reading groups | mailing list | consumerism/activism group?


Activism is about “collective action” which just means that we demonstrate that an issue is important by confronting it in coordination with others.  That’s why I think it’s useful for people to read this book as part of a group. A group reading can be the start of new friendships, ideas and projects.

Meet up for discussion over a coffee or beer. Form your own group or look for one at Be one of the first 10 people to organize a reading group of at least 6 readers before the end of 2012, and I’ll provide you with a signed copy of the book.

I’m interested in joining the discussion with reading groups, so I’ll aim to Skype into a dozen or so groups in situations where the timing and logistics work out. Contact me if you’d like to explore this opportunity.


Sign up to my mailing list if you want to receive blog posts by email and get information about events such as speaking engagements, book tours, and updates about the reading groups. Use that form over on the right side.


Also join the mailing list if you are interested being part of a group of professionals who promote design’s role in social and political terms. I’m currently exploring this avenue and I’m looking for like-minded collaborators. I’ll use the blog and the mailing list to further this discussion, also the group readers! But also feel free to get in touch with me, ann at