virtual book tour | virtual presentations | distance teaching


The virtual book tour is on! During October and November (see schedule) I’ll be visiting blogs and news sites presenting exceprts and original articles based on Architecture & Design versus Consumerism. The first stop is Shareable on October 2nd and 4th. Sign up using that form over on the right to keep posted on the exact dates and locations.


Although I can do in-person presentations (more here) which deliver higher social capital, virtual presentations have a lower carbon footprint to preserve ecological capital. Let’s consider whether we can use Skype and other tech so that I can present to your group remotely.

Reading Groups

I’m particularly interested in supporting people who read the book in groups because it will enhance the experience and it may catalyze new activist work. I’m so interested in supporting this that I’m volunteering my time to talk with a dozen or so book groups (via skype) as a portion of their discussion of the book. Learn more about reading groups.


Can’t find the expertise you need close to home? I can help you deliver a course tailored to your needs on design, sustainability, and social change.

Get in touch if you’d like to explore options: ann at