Dear Readers: status of this blog

Dear Readers,
I’ve been away from the blog for about a month now due to a few large projects on deadline. In that time I’ve reflected on the role and purpose of this blog.

I assume that many of you, like me, scan some of the mainstream design and perhaps even sustainability blogs. It doesn’t then seem useful for me to use this blog merely to point to or repost those interesting bits here.

Rather I see my role here as taking a closer, and on some occasions broader look at how these bits and pieces tell us about issues surrounding design as activism. This approach leads to posts that are hard to produce on the recommended blogging schedule of three times per week. I’m finding it more realistic to reverse that posting rule so that I post once every three weeks or so.

Some of the posts in preparation include these topics:

  • participatory design as activism
  • design structured as social enterprise
  • change through movement: portability
  • graduating activists, what next?
  • 2 book reviews

I welcome input from readers, either in comments or by email, on what use you get out of this blog and its role relative to the many other blogs on design out there.

I’ll try to give you a “content” post next week, then I’ll be back again in mid June.
Thanks for reading,
Ann Thorpe

One Response to Dear Readers: status of this blog

  1. sum1 says:

    Do it like Social Design Notes does. It exists since 2002 and I read it since 2003. I never had the impression that it takes up too much time of John, the blogger. He posts short tidbits with links whenever necessary. He seldom rehashes stuff by other bloggers. Sometimes he writes real feature articles. Whatever, however that’s fine with me.

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