7 questions about “the harvest”

I mentioned in my last post that I’ve been working on a big project to help designers understand and use design as activism. It’s harvest time for this project and I’m getting ready to share the juicy results, but I need your help. Would you answer seven questions for me? Your input could help make the project more useful to you. One lucky survey respondent (who chooses to register) will win a $50 gift certificate to Amazon.

You can find the survey here — it’s all on one page.

grapeslong.jpgharvest time

The survey asks straightforward questions about your interests for example, in terms of:

– design disciplines (for example, more interested in architecture or graphics?)
– types of info (for example, prefer case studies or conceptual tools?),
– uses for the info (such as teaching or applying to design practice)

Go to the survey now and let me know what you think. I’ll be publishing the results here on the blog so the more people who respond, the more interesting the result will be–who’s in this online community? What portion of them are architects, versus fashion designers? What portion of them are practicing design, versus teaching or researching?

You can take the survey anonymously or you can register for a chance to win the gift certificate. At the end of the survey you can also sign on to hear from me when my project is ready for you.

Pass the link on to anyone else you know who’s interested in the topic of design as activism. The long form of the link looks like this:

And send me your responses before we get too far into October. (Yes, October starts on Friday…)


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