resources: teaching sustainable design

We interrupt the series on ethics to announce some resources that may be of interest to those of us teaching sustainable design.

First is a conference, “360 Degrees – Charting New Territory in Sustainable Design Education” on September 19th, 20th and 21st in London and Brighton, United Kingdom. Find out all about it on The Polytechnic blog.

Meanwhile, stateside there’s been an interesting development in terms of higher education and sustainability. On August 14th President Bush signed into law the Higher Education Sustainability Act (HESA) which is part of the new Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. The National Wildlife Federation reports:

“The bill creates a new ‘University Sustainability Grants Program’ at the Department of Education that will provide competitive grants to institutions and associations of higher education.”

The grants will be used to develop and implement sustainability practices, academic programs and curricula. And, we imagine, sustainable design may be among them, particularly if we know about the program and make relevant applications.

Finally, for those of you that read Swedish, my book The Designer’s Atlas of Sustainability has been translated into Swedish by my colleague Mathilde Tam and published by Raster. Read a review of it in the Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter.

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