The survey winner and more results

wishing you the best beats in the new year

More results

One of my fellow design activism bloggers (at Social Design Notes) asked if I would share more details of the survey results. Good Idea. I’ve created a list of the sources that people suggested for learning more about design activism. The responses are anonymized in this downloadable file (PDF) which serves as a holiday gift from all of us, to all of us. Enjoy and please comment below if you’d like to suggest additional sources. (A few of the responses in this file mention Worldchanging, but sadly I have to report that Worldchanging is now closing its doors, with hopes of finding a place to archive their past years’ articles.)


Congratulations to Amanda Bill, winner of the gift certificate drawing for the design activism survey. She teaches fashion and textile design studies at the Institute of Design for Industry and Environment in the College of Creative Arts at Massey University in New Zealand. Amanda says, “what a terrific surprise … I hardly ever win anything!”

When asked to say a few more words, she added, “I love getting students to think about designing for social and economic change especially since fashion is one of the biggest industries in the world, with huge inequities in the value chain, massively complex sustainability issues, not to mention the gendered power relations involved. I’m really pleased that these topics are finally becoming legitimate in designers’ education.” Nice to meet you, Amanda.

See you in 2011. Interesting news is brewing…

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