It’s been an interesting experience working with a number of different blogs to get the guest posts out for the virtual book tour. So far there are 3 tour stops active with 4 more to come. Each stop has original content so you can really get a flavor for the book’s contents. ran two excerpts “Design for Shared Consumption”
and “Postgrowth Design: the shift to maintenance and adaptation”

Customizing space in temporary ways with curtain walls at HBNY by SsD. Photo courtesy of SsD.
The Polis blog ran an excerpt “Mobilization: A Design Activist Method”

Exhibitions — one way that designers mobilize for change. The Contains exhibit addressed consumer products. Visitors received a “credit card” with information on how to avoid wasteful consumption. Source: [re]design
And yesterday Green Conduct ran the first of two articles, “5 Ways Consumerism Shapes Design.” They’ll be running another article on Thursday, “Design and Politics: The uneasy relationship between politics and architecture & design”

Standardization–one of the five ways consumerism shapes design. Photo Copyright 2007-2011 by Mark Zoetrope (, all rights reserved
Please support these blogs by reading the posts and offering some comments. I’m checking in to respond to readers’ remarks.
The rest of the tour includes Worldwatch, Post Growth Institute, landscape architecture’s The Dirt, and Proto City. The full schedule is here.